Feature requests
Submit IdeaLock access to the plugin with a password
Would be the ability to lock access to the plugin with a password so client's won't mess with my code. Something similar is avaliable in Updraft Plus Pro (the backup plugin).
Import From Other Plugins
Import From Other Plugins: WP Code Snippet Adanvced Script Script Organizer .note: bulk import is recommended
Budi H#Misc π€·1
Auto update/download changes and keep snippets in sync.
Its pain to go trough every site and manually download updated snippets.
Olli K#Deal Breaker π2
Revisions history and trash folder
Revisions history would be very useful, especially for css. Also a trash folder, in order not to lose anything by mistake.
Storypress#Improvement π3
Make Format Code button beautify/format CSS Style Sheet
I'm a heavy user of my CSS editor's formatter/beautify function. Not only does it make the code more readable - it also makes it easier to spot errors. The current implementation of WPCodeBox format button does not seem to do anything at all to format CSS. Example screenshots: Here is a minified CSS snippet. "Formatted" in WPCodeBox (just one long line). Better formatted using online service . I'm currently using a free Custom CSS plugin for WordPress, which includes a built-in formatter/beautify function, but my goal is to consolidate all my custom code/css and js snippets in WPCodeBox, so a solid implementation is high on my personal wish list. Meanwhile, I'm using an online service to format my code, like https://www.freeformatter.com/css-beautifier.html - but a built-in feature would be a great quality of life improvement.
Bjarne O#Bug π1
MainWP integration
Ability to edit sites snippets, CSS etc in one place over MainWP where WPCodeBox are installed.
Priit#Deal Breaker π#Integrations π15
Subfolders or tags
Possibility to create subfolders to hierarchize content or in any case tag system to find snippets more easily
Backup & Sync to Dropbox or Google Drive
Backup & sync snippets to Dropbox or Google Drive.
Totam#Improvement π18
Import/Export Snippets (Local Workstation)
As I personally transition from the Code Snippets plugin, one thing I'm finding that I'm missing is the ability to import/export snippets. This is important for ease of distribution to clients/customers that are not necessarily using WPCodeBox...yet. ; ) This goes hand in hand with the Add the ability to save CSS/JS to file feature request.
Ryan L10
Show which cloud snippets have been downloaded to the current site.
It would be easy for users to see a check icon next to the cloud snippets that were downloaded to the current site.
Ovidiu Maghetiu#Improvement π1
Combine multiple files
Please add an option to combine multiple files. For example, if I have 10 SCSS snippets I don'tΒ want toΒ have 10 separateΒ files.
Mark S#Improvement π#Deal Breaker π2
Control cloud snippets visibility per API key
If I'm going to use cloud snippets on clients websites, I don't really want to share all the collection with them. The best way seems to have an ability to choose what snippets I need per API key: ( ) none ( ) all ( ) Choose (choose folders or exact snippets using checkboxes)
Konstantin#Improvement π#Deal Breaker π3
Cron service for snippet execution
Create a cron that will call a secure endpoint and run snippets. This is useful for maintenance run-once snippets. Like the ones for deleting orphaned meta, or orphaned variations. It could also be useful for running scheduled tasks on a WordPress site.
Ovidiu Maghetiu#Improvement π#Integrations π1
Add icon showing where the snippet executed
Please see how Code Snippets Pro add this icon: https://share.getcloudapp.com/YEuZJ0eA
Tony#Improvement π2
Colors for folders
It would be useful to add colors to folders in order to visually identify them quickier.
CEDRIC V#Improvement π#Styling π¨1